26 April 2011

今非昔比 Yesterday is always a different day

in past : last one to finish my homework, sometimes don’t even do them at all

present : got assignment or tutorial or just ordinary homework, go back to hostel and finish it 1st


in past : computer was for gaming, movies, music

present : computer is for assignments and presentations / online search for information


in past : got rm1 then I spent all of them

present : treasure every dime that I have and think before I spend it


in past : got time then I’ll sat in front of my computer and doing nothing at all

present : got time then I’ll memorize the important notes and do my laundries


in past : don’t even dare to speak english even a simple sentence

present : try my best to speak fluent english ( now still with broken english ) and im not afraid to speak english with you guys

learn from mistakes



in past : woke up at 12pm still felt early

present : wake up at 8 it’s considered as late


in past : never slept before 3am

present : sleep before 12am everynight


in past : never went to bath if my mom didn’t yell at me

present : bath 3 – 4 times a day without anyone yelling at me


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