30 April 2011

30th april 2011

woke up at 10

after bath then went for THE MINES shopping mall,

with Jui, Jack, John

Robin stayed at hostel to finish up his engineering drawings

at 11am we went to the mines


I bought a pair of shoes

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my old shoes is 3 and a half years old already

and spoiled already

so I bought this

it’s rm70

and this is among the cheapest already

mostly is around 250 to 300 one

damn expensive

I saw this shoes ( almost the same ) in SP

and it cost rm120++

so it’s considered cheap already

maybe because of the new arrival to cause the drop of the price


the mines is actually quite big.

there’s whole floor for computer and accessories

whole floor for telecommunications company and phones


we went to a shop like selling souvenir or gift

there’s phones like this

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the tongue is the handle ==

very weird stuff


and saw a gold medal written

“world’s greatest mother”

for rm 39


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Mother’s day

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Father’s day

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Teacher’s day

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and there’s a bear outside

it’s very tall

think this bear should cost rm 300 – 400


many shops are selling ANGRY BIRD toy here

smallest sized angry bird cost around rm15


and at SP

there’s a shop that we can make dog tag like soldier one

it’s rm 50

but for here there’s a machine to make these tags just for rm10

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as we were walking I went into many computer shops

and this is the most elegance external hard drive that I saw

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You have wireless mouse or keyboard?

you think it’s very cool?

nope XD

coz here I saw a thing

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it’s LOGITECH wireless keyboard WITH SOLAR PLATE


no battery required

cool leh~~~~


that’s all for today ^^

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