29 March 2013

Tips for more secure password and account

Security is very important. Password is the key to access your accounts on the net, so in this tutorial, im going to share how to enforce your security of your accounts online.


1. Use a strong password.

How to distinguish between a strong and weak password?

A strong password must be more than 6 letter, and combined with symbols and numeric.

NOT basic info about yourself such as birthday, IC number, or any other numbers that can be easily guessed.

It’s not necessary long password but it mustn't be guessed by anyone.

You can check out your password strength here : http://howsecureismypassword.net/ , don’t worry, they don’t store any of your password as you typed in.


2. Use different password for special sites or accounts

Registering multiple accounts and sites with a single password can be dangerous, if one site is hacked, the hacker might use the same login information to gain access to your other accounts.

Make sure that you use different password for your Emails accounts and online banking accounts. These are very important accounts because if hacker can get into your email, they can virtually get every accounts you ever registered using that email by requesting password change. As for online banking, your money is in there, so it’s important to keep it safe.


3. Use two-step authentication or verification

Services like Dropbox, and Google uses this verification. People with your password but without your phone, is not able to access the site. This is really great service google provide.


4. Be careful when you’re browsing public PC or PC that you don’t trust

Sometimes computers are installed with keylogger (Check the video below). Sometimes history of browsing sessions are saved or you forgot to log out from the site.

Try to avoid using banking services on public PCs.

If you ever want to use banking service or browse some money-related sites, do use Incognito mode(or sometimes called Private Browsing mode) of the browser. Learn how to use incognito mode here : http://specialagentmarco.blogspot.com/2013/03/use-google-chrome-like-boss.html

What is keylogger?


5. Install an antivirus

Installing an antivirus is not enough, MAKE SURE YOU KEEP THE VIRUS DATABASE UPDATED. Outdated virus database is useless. Remember to scan your computer frequently.

There’re many antivirus available for free, such as Avast , AVG and Avira

Here are the links:




For people who does a lot of banking stuff, it is recommended to use Antivirus with Internet Security.


6. Change your password

Do change your password for important accounts often.


7. Don’t write down your password or tell anyone your password

That’s the best way to keep your password secure.


You have a better idea to share? Comment below Smile

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