06 March 2013

Use Google Chrome like a boss.

Today im gonna share some tips that will save you time and trouble.


The address bar:


I regularly seeing people typing google into the address bar when they wanted to search for something.

Facts about address bar :

1. If you don’t have http:// or www before word you typed. It will treat it as a search. So if you typed in google in address bar, you’re googleing Google. Which somehow make you look silly.

2. When you wanna go to a site where you frequently go, just type first few letters of the site, and you can see a drop-down list and you just use the down arrow and hit enter. BAM! there you are in the site.





Youtube, a place where most people upload and watch videos over there, but the problem is the advertisement.


The popup ad is less annoying nowadays because you can simply click to close them.



But now there are ads before video starts, some you can skip them after a few seconds, some just required you to watch the whole 30 seconds ads.

Which for a people who subscribe their internet with data cap/internet quota is a waste of money and time. There is an chrome extension named ScrewAds. It works on the background quietly bypass the ads and straight away let you enjoy watching the video, not even a single click is required.

Link for ScrewAds : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/screwads-block-skip-remov/mmbnjoljpgkhiaicaejkdcjbfjknipnc


Photo Zoom for Facebook

Facebook, im pretty sure you have a facebook account too, but sometimes when you sees someone’s picture and you wanna view them, but too lazy to open a new tab, don’t want to leave the page you’re in.



Here comes Photo Zoom for Facebook. With this addon, you simply just hover your mouse pointer over the picture, and it will zoom the picture on the side of you screen for you. Saving you time to click to view or open them into new tabs. Easy as that.

Link for Photo Zoom for Facebook : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/photo-zoom-for-facebook/elioihkkcdgakfbahdoddophfngopipi


Google Dictionary

We browse web, and sometimes we encounter some new words (especially people whose native language isnt english like me). Too lazy to open dictionary, but still want to know the meaning? Google came out with dictionary addon of itself called Google Dictionary. Here’s how it works. encounter a new word? Double click on the word and you should get a popup like image below, if you notice there’s a speaker icon at the right hand side of the word, you can listen to the pronunciation of the word when you click it.


It also works on acronym like LOL, too.


How to close this small popup? Just click randomly on the page or click on the small close button on the top right corner will do the trick.

Link to Google Dictionary : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/google-dictionary-by-goog/mgijmajocgfcbeboacabfgobmjgjcoja


Better Pop Up Blocker

Popup. Well this is a most annoying thing human ever invented. Sometimes you visit a blog or some download websites, popups are coming out every second, at the end of your browsing session, you’ll have a few thousands of popup to close. It’s even worse when the popup make sounds or musics, you don’t even know which one it comes from.

Simple solution, you need a better popup blocker, yea I mean Better Pop Up Blocker.

Once you install it, you’ll have a small blue lego-a-like icon on the right of your address bar.

By default, it’s set to be blue, which means any popup will be blocked.



You can also allow a website like facebook by clicking it and select   Allow  http://www.[website domain].com


And of course you certainly can revoke the access of popup you gave to the site.


Link to Better Pop Up Blocker : https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/better-pop-up-blocker/nmpeeekfhbmikbdhlpjbfmnpgcbeggic



There are many keyboard shortcuts available but here im going to discuss just some frequently used and useful ones.


Ctrl + Shift + N

This one is to activate incognito mode

What’s incognito mode?

It’s a mode where the browser won’t store any history, download history and cookies of your browsing sessions.

How to distinguish between normal and incognito mode of chrome?


In incognito mode, you’ll notice there’s a secretive man on the top left corner of your browser. Which a normal browsing session don’t.

Why incognito?

Some people use this for por… I mean entertainment. But it’s far more useful than that. Especially when you’re a guess and you want to browse sites like facebook on your friends’ computer. Normally people would log out from the account in order to log in to their own account.

In this case, just simply activate incognito mode, you can log in to your account, without logging out your friend’s. Plus the browsing sessions wont be stored into your friend’s laptop or computer. It’s safer doing this.


Ctrl + Click on a link

This will open the link into a new tab without interfering the current browsing tab.


Ctrl + W

Close currently viewing tab.


Mouse wheel click on tab

Closes the specific tab without hands on keyboard.


Ctrl + Shift + T

Open recently closed tabs

Sometimes people work with multiple tabs


With multiple tabs open, it’s very easy to accidentally close a tab which you wanted to use. Far worse when you don’t remember which tab it is, and what’s the address to the page.

Using this shortcut can open recently closed tabs, Chrome remembers up to 10 tabs you recently closed.

NOTE: This will not work if you close the whole browsing window away. (Accidentally clicked the RED close button on the top right corner)


These are common shortcut while navigating through pages. There are more available, if you wish to check them out, here’s the link  : https://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=157179


If you think this is helpful, please do share this post with your friends Smile


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