there was a meeting for both clubs together yesterday.
I was planning not going to the meeting during I’m having my dinner,
but after I walked back to hostel…and looked at my Pengajian Malaysia’s tutorial with the almost done work…
it’s 8 already and amin texted me
“hey, where are you?”
“I felt like I don’t want to come lar”
then I realize that amin is here because I invited him too
so at last I went….
seriously the president’s english is flawless.and his accent is like an american instead he’s a mid east guy…
and they made us introduce ourselves in front of the others
so if I rate my english in auditorium I think my english would be the worst english ==
there’s only 3-4 chinese there, including a senior…
they gave us a topic and grouped us into 2 groups
and starting to debate
the topic was
“should males and females stay in one hostel”
then I’m in the opponent side
so my point should be oppose their idea
I was the last one to talk for the debate activity….
so after listening to their “bullshitSSSS”
I got 3 person to oppose
chong ( senior )
a malay girl
and a chinese guy
this is things I said
“ ummm, hi guys
I wanna oppose 3 point you guys purposed just now
for this chinese guy
you said you can use condom to prevent sexual transmitted disease
so will you carry your condomSSS with you around the campus?
would you go 7-11 and get a bunch of condomSS?
and for the malay girl that said if we stay in different hostel then there MUST be a gayS and lesbianSSS…
so from Diploma to Bachelor degree… it’ll take me 4 years something
so you think I’ll get boner to see guys in hostel in year 4?
ofc not…. I’m still normal…I still like girls ==
sorry I forgot what chong said already ==”
broken english ==
hope my english would get better and better
I know my problem mostly is sentence constructions and past tense’s stuff
mostly I think it’s self-confidence
so after the president said they’ll group us into junior group first just to train us from basics
so everyone of us will be on the same level
it makes me wanna attend for the next meeting already
because firstly…if everyone’s english there is better than me then for sure I’ll learn something
learn now is better than learn after I graduate….