26 feb I went to Tesco just to ASK why I’m paid less then the offer
LGLF don’t even wanna come down
I went walk around for a while
when she came down
the 1st thing she did is make her face like >
am I owing you $ ?
seems like you got the wrong situation huh?
the very 1st thing she said is something like
“ non of my business anymore don’t tell me anything” ( and I don’t even have a chance to talk yet)
“ where’s my punch card? have you took it?! coz I needs that as an evidence that I deserves the pay” I started to ask
“you don’t have to coz the paid is cut by supervisor coz you didn’t work for long” LGLF said
wtf?!?! when I came to apply the job you said I can get 3.4
now you’re only paying my 3.2
“ok then. if you’re paying me 3.2 you still have to pay be xxx why I’m only getting xxx? where’s the rest?!” I asked again
“supervisor said you keeps on asking her for salary, she’s getting annoyed”
“I’m asking you why my salary is less than I deserve?! don’t discuss something out of the topic”
“she called me this morning and scolded me that you disturb her coz of the salary. she told me the rest is for SOCSO and EPF” ( here comes her stories again, whole D knew what she’s done)
“I disturbed her? when == I just called and ask why she didn’t kept her promise to bank in my salary on date, is this called disturb?!”
“whatever now! non of my business! and don’t “pun”(tell) this to others! taking you as a partime just waste my money away! my phone bills! and you told me you’re about to take a course?! you’re faking it right? coz the result havent come out yet”
duh~ LGLF = LGLF ==
there's 109248671096701927 peoples got in college since january when I was working like a dog
LGLF just never evolve == LOL
FUCK! you took my commissions away DUDE!
I work like a dog and you just took the commissions away!
every weekends sales is up to a thousand
and you can take for almost 30bucks only a single saturday
and don’t tell me you’ve call me more than hundreds bucks?!
what the fuck is wrong with your math?!
cant you count?
whatever now coz that xx bucks I just treat em as a Pt(chemistry) for you XD
luckily I didn’t take the job when you asked me to replace you during CNY XD
you dumb, who’s wanna work during CNY idiot
27 feb
xiang, shein, camel, lek
they went for badminton today but im not joining em
coz i ‘m watching my movieS
and trying to install my GTA IV
unfortunately my dinosaur pc doesn’t achieve the minimum requirement to play
so I just uninstalled it and deleted the ISO files
this free up my hard disk’s spaces
that giant game cost me almost 30gb ==
WP have been calling me recently ==
today she calls with the bad news
“ help me to pass up my buku koko tomorrow”
tomorrow is 28 feb
which is the date we’ve been told that result is coming out that day
but so far no news verifies this date YET
so I decided to go SMKDBS tomorrow
help her to pass up her stupid buku koko
and find Pn LEE
kae’s with me tomorrow
we have a power failure tonight on TAMAN BERANGAN
and lasted for about 2-3 hours
and I tested the 3 bucks torch light
it’s bright and the light can reach about 70m away
no more for today ^^ nite
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