07 October 2011

Don’t have much update recently :)


Final exam is just around the corner Sad smile

that feeling is back again :S

hatar det…..

carrymark is so far so good lar

tomorrow presentation 20% ar~


I want 4

I want dean’s list

I want 60% fee waiver

Nerd smile


Hostel corridor’s light has been spoiled for a week already….

they are very efficient to collect fee…but not doing job

happy memories_749

any items found lift( or left ) in the room after 30th october 2010 shall be deemed to be unwanted items to disposal.

haha so I think malaysia have time machine before japan Smile XD


RIP for steve jobs Smile brilliant product you bring to this world…


truly impressed by iPhone 4Gs’ SIRI….


So… Apple keep it up :)

So…the cheapest for 4Gs is USD 199…

so how much will malaysia’s store sell?

I think at least also rm2000


it’s very cold at night recently, so…. remember to use your blanket lar Smile

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